Monday, February 10, 2014

Bashar (Darryl Anka)

Darryl Anka (born on October 12, 1951) started his Hollywood career as a special effects designer working on such films as Star Trek: The Motion Picture, I Robot, Pirates of the Caribbean, Live Free or Die Hard and Iron Man. More recently, Anka wrote and directed a fictional documentary about the afterlife called Dearly Departed through his production company, Zia Films, and is currently (2013) in production on a documentary about channeling and extraterrestrial contact, based on two UFO sightings within one week of each other and subsequent experiences. He is an internationally known channeller having conducted seminars around the world for the past 30 years.
Anka claims that he began to communicate, through trance-channeling, with an extra-terrestrial entity called Bashar in 1983. He describes Bashar as existing in a parallel reality, in a time frame that we perceive as the future. The monologues and dialogues with Bashar cover a wide range of topics including human psychology, planetary evolution, metaphysics, and extra-terrestrials. Occasionally, Anka will act as a guest speaker in conferences related to issues such as ET contact. Anka also claims to have channeled other entities, and the entity Bashar has also been channeled by other mediums.
Anka appeared in the 2008 documentary Tuning In alongside other notable channels such as Lee Carroll.
Anka's channeling sessions, private and public, are usually recorded and many have been compiled into various books and audio-visual material. His first book is The New Metaphysics.

A message from Darryl

How it all began......

On two occasions within the same week in 1973, I had close-range, broad-daylight sightings of UFOs with witnesses present both times. At each sighting we saw a dark metallic, triangular craft about 30 feet on each side. There were three blue-white lights, one on each "point", and one orange-red light in the center. The craft in the first sighting was about 150 feet away; in the second sighting, only about 60 feet away.
After seeing something that I knew could not be the product of Earthly technology, I was curious to find out all I could on UFO phenomena. I began reading everything I could find. Browsing bookshelves for UFO literature, I quickly discovered other books on different "paranormal" subjects, such as psychic powers, spirits and channeling. I read a few of these as well as UFO books so that I could broaden my research and acquire a greater understanding of the metaphysical field of knowledge.

Learning to Channel...

Ten years after the UFO sightings, I was introduced to a practicing channel. After several months of listening to the information delivered by the spirit entity being channeled through the person, I was amazed by the consistency and quality of the information I was hearing on a variety of subjects. Eventually, that entity offered to teach channeling to whoever wished to learn. This surprised me at first, as I had assumed channeling was not something that could be taught. Nevertheless, I joined the channeling class-not intending to become a channel
myself, but rather to learn more about the process by which this entity seemed capable of accessing volumes of information on endless subjects.
Midway through the course, which contained many guided meditations and mental exercises designed to shift one's consciousness to various states, I received what sounded like a telepathic message in my mind. I became instantly aware of three things: The message was from an extraterrestrial consciousness that I was to call "Bashar" (the UFO I had seen was his ship), a memory came back to me that I had made an agreement at some point prior to this life to channel him, and that now was the time to fulfill this agreement if I still felt like doing so.
At first, I questioned this internal experience: Was I hallucinating? Was this some strange "side effect" of the meditations the class members had been given? However, while I sat silently pondering some of these questions, the entity teaching the class became aware that I was communicating with something from another plane of existence. He urged me to trust it and learn to work with it.
After thinking about it for awhile, I decided to explore the possibility of letting this "Bashar" entity speak through me to see what would happen. I figured that even if it wasn't really another entity-even if it was some mysterious portion of my own consciousness-the information that could be accessed through this channeling process could be used to help people make constructive and positive changes in their lives. Whatever the source, I decided to continue. I have now been channeling publicly since that time in 1983 and "Bashar" has spoken on a wide variety of subjects to thousands of people in more than 15 cities throughout the United States, as well as in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, England, Egypt and Greece.

The Meaning of the Name "Bashar"...

When the telepathic message first awoke in my mind, the word "Bashar" came along with it. I assumed this was simply the alien entity's name. However, I came to realize, based on "Bashar's" descriptions of his own society, that in their world they are all telepathic and do not use names as we do. Since he knew that we would need to call him by some name, the name "Bashar" was chosen.
"Bashar" is an Arabic word, probably chosen because I am half Arabic, although I don't speak the language. I had no idea what the word meant until someone fluent in Arabic told me it means "Messenger" or more specifically "Bringer of good news". Thus, while not literally his name, the word is certainly appropriate to what "Bashar" does.

On a personal note...

I always make it clear to people that they do not have to believe that "Bashar" is really an extraterrestrial in telepathic communication with me during the channelings. If they want to believe the words are coming from another part of my own consciousness, that's fine with me. I have no way of proving "Bashar's" existence to anyone anyway. The most important thing is that the information, wherever it's coming from, has made a difference in many people's lives, including my own.
The information has answered many burning questions with cool satisfaction and clarity, expanded my creativity, inspired and instructed others how to change their lives for the better, and provided insights into concepts I never imagined possible. For that gift, I am eternally grateful, no matter what the source may be. It is my desire that this information will expand your spirit, heighten your awareness of the limitless potential that life offers each and every day, inspire you to follow your highest joy and, as "Bashar" so often suggests to:

"Live your dreams instead of
merely dreaming about living."

With warmest regards,
Darryl Anka

About  Message From Bashar

Why we are interacting with you at this time...

We have a very specific relationship with your people, a very specific relationship and responsibility in how it is that we interact with each and every one of you, individually and all of you collectively. We recognize that there are many, many belief systems upon your planet; many different styles of expression. We cannot, therefore, interact with you in any way, shape or form that would discount, interfere or remove the responsibility of your species in bringing to fruition the choices it has made, playing out the processes that it has decided are necessary for the evolution of your society. We are here to reflect to you certain things. We are interacting with you to share certain perspectives that may give you an opportunity to see within yourself more of what it is you contain, to know more about yourselves, to allow us to reflect to you certain ideas you may already know but, perhaps as a civilization, have forgotten about.

About the information we are sharing...

We are here sometimes to discuss what might appear to be a new information with you, but again, never in a way that in any way, shape or form, calls out, aggrandizes, or builds up any belief system or any approach as being more valid than any other belief system or approach. You must understand, fundamentally, all truths are true and the truth is made of all truths. There may be certain ideas that have a little bit more efficacy in your day to day reality while other ideas may not necessarily be as probable of a manifestation, but your reality is changing every day.
As many of you now know, there are many different kinds of discoveries, many different kinds of realizations and ideas that are opening up, new fields of awareness, new understandings of your consciousness and therefore, your reality, your physical material reality is going to become a lot more slippery, as you say, space and time are losing their grip upon you because you are the creators of space and time; you are the creators of the physical reality in which you think you exist. And, as you change your idea of yourselves, as you expand beyond the notion that you are merely physical entities and explore other realms of consciousness and other levels of consciousness within you, so too will your physiological reality become that expanded, that nebulous, that fluid, that transmutational and transitional and, of course, it would be no surprise that at this time of exploring your consciousness in a transmutational way, that you would begin to see reflections in your society of transmutational science. Everything that you do, everything that you create, every endeavor, scientific, economic, social or otherwise that you go into is always going to reflect where you are at in your understanding and relationship to your own consciousness.
You must simply remember, in everything that we discuss, that your outer physical reality is not outer, it is inner, it's just a reflection of you at every given moment, individually and collectively. So if you find as you view your outer physical reality that there are things about it that you would prefer to change, all you really need to do is to change something about yourself and you will see that change take place unerringly and effortlessly. And all your explorations and all your ideas, no matter how they may magnify scientifically or otherwise, are all going to be the result of the way you change the idea of how you see yourself and what you know is possible in your dimension of experience.

Our unconditional love and gratitude to you...

We thank you for allowing us to lay that foundational perspective at this time. We are exceedingly grateful to all of you to be allowed to interact with your civilization in this way. It has expanded us in many ways and you have given us a great gift. You have allowed us to experience the gift of your consciousness in its unique manifestation and that enriches us as well. Believe me, we take what we learn from you and apply it in many different areas that help many other beings other than those on your own planet. You are very powerful teachers for many other civilizations because you have chosen to "do it the hard way", by exploring negative limitation to an amazing degree and therefore, another civilization might look at you and say "They still find their higher consciousness? Even through all that?!! Well, if they can do it... I can do it!
Know that interacting with you allows us to see many more ways that the Infinite can create Itself to be, and thus, expands our understanding of Creation. We thank you for this opportunity. We are most excited to interact with you. Both I and all the beings that are telepathically connected to me that are sharing in this endeavor send their unconditional love and we remind you that...
"Miracles are not the exception to the rule.. They are the natural, true order of the things."
- Bashar

Who is Bashar?

Bashar is a being of extraterrestrial origin, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 30 years through channel, Darryl Anka, bringing through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles and see if they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire.
Overwhelmingly the response we receive is "This works!" Some of the feedback our listeners have shared include:
- Enhanced creativity & abundance
- Mental & emotional clarity
- Improved health
- Enhanced love relationships
- Expanded psychic ability
- Increased self love & self acceptance
- Greater self-empowerment

Why do these concepts work?

Bashar would be the first to say that it's because this information is based on the laws of physics and is not just a "nice New Age philosophy." Perhaps this is a more advanced version of physics than you may have encountered in the past- but nevertheless, it is based on physics. Hence, when you apply these principles and techniques to your day to day life, you can see dramatic results, both in what you experience and how you feel!
Bashar describes the importance of belief systems and explains how to change what you believe about yourself and your world to dramatically change what you experience in your life. The new perspectives he shares can change the way you view "reality" and help you get in touch with the beliefs and ideas that are presently guiding your life so that you can change them if you decide to. Bashar's message emphasizes your self empowerment and your ability to use your conscious free choice to create the life and the world that you prefer.

Self-empowerment is key

Bashar describes the planet as going through a major transformation- an evolutionary leap to the next level of consciousness. Bashar's message simply acts as a reminder of what you already know but may have forgotten, and can help you experience this transition smoothly and joyfully, by expanding your awareness of the unlimited possibilities that are truly available to you. The message emphasizes increasing your self empowerment and your connection to your Higher Self as being key to consciously creating the kind of reality you desire.

Ecstasy is your birthright

Bashar's message helps to expand your capacity for learning and change. It re-awakens your ability to use your imagination and express yourself creatively... so that you can experience the ecstasy that is your birthright. The techniques that are contained in the Bashar material are fun, challenging and interesting to work with and Bashar's uniquely humorous and direct approach enhances the entire experience!

A wide range of topics

Bashar also provides cutting-edge information on a wide range of topics:
- Personal Transformation
- History of the Universe
- Extraterrestrials & UFO's
- 2012
-Parallel Realities - Crop Circles
- Psychic Phenomenon
- Spiritual Ascension
- Earth Changes
- Healing Methods
- Life after Death
- Future Technology
- Sacred Geometry

Bashar's Basic Message

You are a non-physical consciousness that is experiencing physical reality.
You were created in the image of The Creator, your essential essence is unconditional love and the experience of ecstasy is your birthright.
You are here on Earth at this time because you chose to be.
The highest purpose of your life is to be yourself to the best of your ability and live each moment as fully as possible.
You always have free will and the freedom to choose.
Anything you can imagine is possible for you to experience.
You attract your life experiences through the interaction of your strongest beliefs, emotions and actions.
Excitement is the physical translation of the vibrational resonance that is your true, core natural being. Follow your excitement!
You are naturally abundant and your choices are always supported by Creation.
There are only Four Laws in Creation:
1. You exist.
2. The One is All and the All are One .
3. What you put out is what you get back.
4. Change is the only constant...
Except for the first three laws, which never change.
There is actually only one moment in Creation. Everything you experience is the same moment from a different point of view.
You create the past and the future from the here and now.
You are an eternal being and while you may change your form, you cannot cease to exist.
Everything you experience is another aspect of yourself.
You are loved so unconditionally by Creation that you can even choose to believe that you are not loved.

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