Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh(1931-1990) was born Rajneesh Chandra Mohan in Kuchwara, a town in central India. Various sources state that "Bhagwan" means either "The Blessed One" or "God" and that "Shree" means "Master". At the end of his life, he changed his name to Osho.
His parents' religion was Jainism. However, Osho never subscribed to any religious faith during his lifetime. He received "samadhi" (enlightenment in which his soul became one with the universe) on 1953-MAR-21 at the age of 21. Rajneesh obtained a masters degree in philosophy from the University of Saugar. He taught philosophy at the University of Jabalpur for nine years and concurrently worked as a religious leader. In 1966, he left his teaching post and gave his full attention to teaching his sannyasins (disciples) while pursuing a speaking career. He had an apartment in Bombay where he often met individuals and small groups, where acting as spiritual teacher, guide and friend. Most of his Sannyasins came from Europe and India in the early years.
In 1974, Osho moved from Bombay southward to Pune, India. Some anti-cult groups have claimed that this decision was made because of local opposition from the public in Bombay. In reality, it was to establish an ashram (place of teaching) which would provide larger and more comfortable facilities for his disciples. The ashram consisted of two adjoining properties covering six acres in an affluent suburb of Pune called Koregaon Park. Some estimate as many as 50,000 Westerners spent time seeking enlightenment there with the guru. In 1979, he saw his movement as the route to the preservation of the human race. He said:
"If we cannot create the 'new man' in the coming 20 years, then humanity has no future. The holocaust of a global suicide can only be avoided if a new kind of man can be created."

He taught a syncretistic spiritual path that combined elements from Hinduism, Jainism, Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, ancient Greek philosophy, many other religious and philosophic traditions, humanistic psychology, new forms of therapy and meditation, etc.
In 1980, he was the victim of a knife attack by a Hindu fundamentalist during his morning discourse. Because of police incompetence, the charges against the terrorist were dropped.
In 1981 he left India reluctantly because of health problems. He went to the United States in order to obtain advanced treatment. There have been rumors of income tax evasion, and insurance fraud; it is not known whether these have any validity. The group settled on the 65,000 acre "Big Muddy Ranch" near Antelope, Oregon, which his sannyasins had bought for six million dollars. The ranch was renamed Rajneeshpuram ("City of Rajneesh"). This "small, desolate valley twelve miles from Antelope, Oregon was transformed into a thriving town of 3,000 residents, with a 4,500 foot paved airstrip, a 44 acre reservoir, an 88,000 square foot meeting hall..."8 Many of the local folks were intolerant of the new group in their midst, because of religious and cultural differences. One manifestation of this intolerance was the town's denial of building permits to the followers of Rajneesh. Some buildings were erected on the ranch without planning board approval. When officials attempted to stop the construction, their office was firebombed by unknown person(s). When the local city council repeatedly refused to issue permits for their businesses, some sannyasins elected themselves to the city council. The town of Antelope was renamed City of Rajneesh
Top aides of Osho were charged with a number of crimes, including the attempted murder of Osho's personal physician. There were stories of a hit list. Some fled the country for Switzerland where they had control over the group's bank accounts. Two were eventually convicted of conspiracy to murder local lawyer Charles Turner in an attempt to prevent closure of the ranch. 
In 1983, Osho's secretary Sheela Silverman predicted on behalf of Osho that there would be massive destruction on earth, between 1984 and 1999. This would include both natural disasters and man-made catastrophes. Floods larger than any since Noah, extreme earthquakes, very destructive volcano eruptions, nuclear wars etc. would be experienced. Tokyo, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Bombay were all expected to disappear. There is doubt that these predictions actually came from Osho; they are not representative of his other teachings.
A number of sources have reported that spiritual devotees of Rajneesh had spread salmonella on a local restaurant's salad bar in order to reduce voter turnout on a measure that would have restricted the group's activities. Allegedly, 751 people were affected by the bacteria. 9,10
Fearing a raid of the type that later happened in Waco, several of Osho's disciples arranged for him to be flown to Charlotte for safety. In North Carolina, he ran afoul of US immigration law. He allegedly arranged a number of phony marriages between some of his Indian followers and American citizens so that the former could obtain clearance to stay in the country. He was also charged with lying on his immigration papers. He entered an "Alford Plea," commonly called a no-contest plea. His lawyers suggested that he do this because of concerns over his health and safety if he had to spend more time in prison. He was given a suspended sentence on condition that he leave the country.
He returned to Pune, India in 1987, where his health began to fail. Here, he abandoned the name of Rajneesh and adopted "Osho". Some sources explain that the name was derived from the expression "oceanic experience" by William James; others say that it was derived from an ancient Japanese word for master. He died in Pune in 1990. Various rumors spread that he had been poisoned with thallium by the CIA, had been exposed to damaging doses of radiation by the U.S. authorities, or had heart failure. It is obvious that he did not experience thallium poisoning, because he died with a full beard, and only male-pattern baldness on the top of his head. A person suffering from thallium poisoning suffers a dramatic loss of hair with a week of exposure. 6 His death certificate lists heart failure as the cause of his death.
At its peak, the movement had about 200,000 members and 600 centers around the world. They were targeted by many anti-cult groups as an evil, mind control cult. One source, in a masterful stroke of religious disinformation, claimed that "Bhagwan" means "Master of the Vagina." He has been called the "sex guru."

 Beliefs and Practices

Osho developed new forms of active meditation. The best known is Dynamic Meditation which often starts with strenuous physical activity followed by silence and celebration. These were expected to lead the individual to overcome repression, lower their personal inhibitions, develop a "state of emptiness", and attain enlightenment. The person then would have "no past, no future, no attachment, no mind, no ego, no self." Prior to 1985, the disciples wore red robes, and a necklace of 108 beads which had an attached picture of Rajneesh. Osho assigned a new name to each of the disciples. Men were given the title "Swami"; women were called "Ma". Although most members lived a frugal, simple lifestyle, Rajneesh himself lived in luxury. His collection 27 Rolls Royces, given to him by his followers, was well known. (Some sources say he had as many as 100 cars). Anti-cult groups claimed that he urged his disciples to sever their connection to their families of origin. It is true that he felt that the institution of the family was out of date and that it should be replaced with alternative forms of community and ways of caring for children. However, he actually encouraged individual disciples to make peace with their families. Many of the latter became disciples themselves, including Osho's own parents.
He taught a form of Monism, that God was in everything and everyone. There is no division between "God" and "not-God". People, even at their worse, are divine. He recognized Jesus Christ as having attained enlightenment, and believed that he survived his crucifixion and moved to India where he died at the age of 112.
Osho was noted for reading very offensive jokes; some were anti-Semitic; others were anti-Roman Catholicism; others insulted just about every ethnic and religious group in the world. He explained that the purpose of these jokes was to shock people and to encourage them to examine their identification with and attachment to their ethnic or religious beliefs. His contention was that national, religious, gender and racial divisions are destructive.


Recent Developments

Osho repeatedly stated that he would not appoint a successor to replace him after his death. He viewed each disciple as his successor. However, before his death, he appointed an inner circle of 21 individuals to look after the functioning of the meditation resort at Pune and handle administrative affairs relating to his work. They now operate about 20 meditation centers worldwide. Rajneesh's main influence now is through his voluminous writings; they are read by many New Agers as well as followers of Osho.
Osho Commune International® administers the center in Pune, India. Since it was founded, it has been expanded from 6 to 32 acres. The group has a Global Connections department that provides information about centers and activities worldwide. Osho International in New York, NY, administers the rights to Osho's works.
Some of Osho's aides who were imprisoned because of crimes committed in Oregon were released from prison in mid-1998 and deported to England.

Source: http://www.religioustolerance.org/

Monday, April 22, 2013

Introduction to Chakras

A person can collect energy from several different levels of vibrations–including color–that are utilized in various parts of the body. Throughout our body we have main energy centers, which are connected to major organs or glands that govern other body parts. Each of these main energy centers are referred to as chakra–chakra is a Sanskrit word which means wheel. A chakra is a wheel-like spinning vortex that whirls in a circular motion forming a vacuum in the center that draws in anything it encounters on its particular vibratory level.

It is said that our body contains hundred of chakras that are the key to the operation of our being. These “spinning wheels” draw-in coded information from our surroundings. Coded information can be anything from a color vibration to ultra-violet ray to a radio or micro wave to another person’s aura. In essence our chakras receive the health of our environment, including the people we are in contact with (that’s why other people’s moods have an affect on us!). As well our chakras also radiate an energy of vibration.

It is also believed that we have seven main chakra centers and that each main center is connected to our being on several different levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. On the physical level each chakra governs a main organ or gland, which is then connected to other body parts that resonate the same frequency.

Every organ, gland and body system is connected to a chakra and each chakra is connected to a color vibrational frequency. For example, the heart chakra governs the thymus gland and it is also in charge of the functioning of the heart organ, lungs, bronchia system, lymph glands, secondary circulatory system, immune system as well as the arm and hands. And the heart chakra resonates to the color green.

The seven main chakra centers are aligned along the spinal column. If there are disturbances on any level, this shows in the chakra’s vitality level. Also each of the seven main chakras is their own intelligence center. This means that each chakra is not only associated with our physical health but also controls aspects connected to our emotional, mental and belief system.

To help balance a chakra–whether on an emotional, intellectual, physical or spiritual level–we need to bring in the chakra (color) vibration, which resonates at the same frequency.

In the study of the anatomy of the aura it is important to understand the significance of the chakra system and the language of colors expressed in the aura.

The names of the seven main chakras and the master organ that each one governs is as follows:

 When one part of a chakra center is out of sync it may eventually effect its other parts and possibly its neighboring chakra. When a chakra center is out of balance it generally means that it is over-active or under-active, or possibly congested or blocked. If this happens it is usually felt on a mental, emotional or physical level.

What is Energy & Why does It Affect Our Chakras?

Sunlight is our main source and provider of light, heat and energy. Not only does sunlight sustain all life on Earth, but also it sustains the Earth itself. It provides plants with the energy for photosynthesis, which in turn sustains the lives of all animals and humans. Sunlight consists of energies in the form of the electromagnetic waves and part of this electromagnetic energy includes cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-rays, visible light rays, infrared rays, micro waves and short and long waves (radio waves). We utilize many of these energies in our daily lives; however, we seem not to put much emphasis on the visible light rays. We refer to them as the visible light rays because of all the energies mentioned above we can see visually see light rays. By holding a prism towards the sun, we can break down the visible spectrum of light rays into seven different beams of color. Light consists of the seven color energies: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. We can see these seven colors in a rainbow, drop of rain or dew and even in a snowflake.

Color and light are inseparable. Each color of the visible light rays has a different wavelength and vibrational frequency, which affects us differently. Red has the longest wavelength and the slowest vibrational frequency, which we innately recognize as warm and stimulating. Whereas, violet has the shortest wavelength and the fastest frequency that we recognize as a cool and calming energy. We receive light and color information through our eyes, which then stimulates the retina and its cells, rods and cones. These impulses, which travel through the optic nerve to the visual cortex of the brain via the pituitary, trigger other glands and their hormone secretion to various parts of the body. Many body functions are stimulated or retarded by light and the different colors of light and thus affect our chakra system.

Since light and its colors physically affect glands and hormones, they will also have a marked influence on our moods and feelings. Science has proven that certain colors can calm the mind while others stimulate mental activity. We need light energy for nourishing our brain, our emotions and our physical body as well as our light bodies and especially our chakras. Light can also enter through our skin and our breath. As well, we can receive additional color energy through a balance of various colored foods, herbs, vitamins, aromatherapy, sound, minerals, clothing, decor and color bathing.

Importance of Our Chakra System

In reality little is known and understood about the human psyche and its intricate systems. However, medical science has proven that toxins and other impurities, which include negative thoughts, chemical enhancements in our food and other poor environmental factors, influence our body. Constant forms of “pollution” can cause chakra imbalances to manifest, which may eventually affect us on a physical level. Since traditional health care systems at this time are unable to naturally or totally alleviate symptoms or cure our problems, this means it is up to each individual to improve their health conditions. We also have to consider that we may be our own best doctor. So understanding the chakra system is more about how you can help improve your own state of health and all levels of your being.

The benefit of learning about your own chakra system is for you to understand on a whole (whole = body, mind and spirit in harmony) that when all parts of you (all of your seven chakra centers) are communicating equally and working in alliance with each other, you will have little or no energy disorders. For example, if the mental part of you is powerful and so are the physical, emotional and spiritual parts of you equally as strong, it is then that you feel at your optimum level.

Nowadays, we live in a fast world and often forget about our “whole.” We put too much emphasis on independence and very little on interdependence. Our chakras are interdependent on each other for harmony and balance.

The emphasize of this website is to educate you on your complete chakra system so you can take control of your life and become the best you possibly can in this lifetime. No one else is totally responsible for you... except you!

Your mind alone cannot nurture your whole being, nor can a proper food diet solve all your problems. It is important to understand that “all of you” has to be understood in order to keep “your house” in order.

If there is a disturbance on any level, this shows in a chakra’s vitality level. And each of the seven main chakras has its own innate intelligence and function. Similar to how your body functions automatically, your chakra centers also operate automatically. If you are to understand your chakra system then you must learn what each chakra’s function is and how it represents a part of your “whole.”


Source: http://www.chakraenergy.com/

Friday, April 19, 2013



Nikola Tesla symbolizes a unifying force and inspiration for all nations in the name of peace and science. He was a true visionary far ahead of his contemporaries in the field of scientific development.  New York State and many other states in the USA proclaimed July 10, Tesla’s birthday- Nikola Tesla Day.
Many United States Congressmen gave speeches in the House of Representatives on July 10, 1990 celebrating the 134th anniversary of scientist-inventor Nikola Tesla. Senator Levine from Michigan spoke in the US Senate on the same occasion.
            The street sign “Nikola Tesla Corner” was recently placed on the corner of the 40th Street and 6th Avenue in Manhattan. There is a large photo of Tesla in the Statue of Liberty Museum. The Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey has a daily science demonstration of the Tesla Coil creating a million volts of electricity before the spectators eyes. Many books were written about Tesla : Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla by John J. O’Neill  and Margaret Cheney’s book Tesla: Man out of Time has contributed significantly to his fame. A documentary film Nikola Tesla, The Genius Who Lit the World, produced by the Tesla Memorial Society and the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, The Secret of Nikola Tesla (Orson Welles), BBC Film Masters of the Ionosphere are other tributes to the great genius.
            Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Lika, which was then part of  the Austo-Hungarian Empire, region of Croatia. His father, Milutin Tesla was a Serbian Orthodox Priest and his mother Djuka Mandic was an inventor in her own right of household appliances. Tesla studied at the Realschule, Karlstadt in 1873, the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria and the University of Prague. At first, he intended to specialize in physics and mathematics, but soon he became fascinated with electricity. He began his career as an electrical engineer with a telephone company in Budapest in 1881. It was there, as Tesla was walking with a friend through the city park that the elusive solution to the rotating magnetic field flashed through his mind. With a stick, he drew a diagram in the sand explaining to his friend the principle of the induction motor. Before going to America, Tesla joined Continental Edison Company in Paris where he designed dynamos. While in Strassbourg in 1883, he privately built a prototype of the induction motor and ran it successfully. Unable to interest anyone in Europe in promoting this radical device, Tesla accepted an offer to work for Thomas Edison in New York. His childhood dream was to come to America to harness the power of Niagara Falls.
            Young Nikola Tesla came to the United States in 1884 with an introduction letter from Charles Batchelor to Thomas Edison: “I know two great men,” wrote Bachelor, “one is you and the other is this young man.” Tesla spent the next 59 years of his productive life living in New York. Tesla set about improving Edison’s line of dynamos while working in Edison’s lab in New Jersey.  It was here that his divergence of opinion with Edison over direct current versus alternating current began. This disagreement climaxed in the war of the currents as Edison fought a losing battle to protect his investment in direct current equipment and facilities.
            Tesla pointed out the inefficiency of Edison’s direct current electrical powerhouses  that have been build up and down the Atlantic seaboard. The secret, he felt, lay in the use of alternating current ,because to him all energies were cyclic. Why not build generators that would send  electrical energy along distribution lines  first one way, than another, in multiple waves using the polyphase principle?
            Edison’s lamps were weak and inefficient  when supplied by direct current. This system had a severe disadvantage in that it could not be transported more than two miles due to its inability to step up to high voltage levels necessary for long distance transmission. Consequently, a direct current power station was required at two mile intervals.
            Direct current flows continuously in one direction; alternating current changes direction 50 or 60 times per second and can be stepped up to vary high voltage levels, minimizing power loss across great distances. The future belongs to alternating current. 

            Nikola Tesla developed polyphase alternating current system of generators, motors and transformers and held 40 basic U.S. patents on the system, which George Westinghouse bought, determined to supply America with the Tesla system. Edison did not want to lose his DC empire, and a bitter war ensued. This was the war of the currents between AC and DC. Tesla -Westinghouse ultimately emerged the victor because AC was a superior technology. It was a war won for the progress  of both America and the world.
            Tesla introduced his motors and electrical systems in a classic paper, “A New System of Alternating Current Motors and Transformers” which he delivered before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1888. One of the most impressed was the industrialist and inventor George Westinghouse. One day he visited Tesla’s laboratory and was amazed at what he saw. Tesla had constructed a model polyphase system consisting of an alternating current dynamo, step-up and step-down transformers and A.C. motor at the other end. The perfect partnership between Tesla and Westinghouse for the nationwide use of electricity in America had begun.
In February 1882, Tesla discovered the rotating magnetic field, a fundamental principle in physics and the basis of nearly all devices that use alternating current.  Tesla brilliantly adapted the principle of rotating magnetic field for the construction of alternating current induction motor and the polyphase system for the generation, transmission, distribution and use of electrical power.
            Tesla’s A.C. induction motor is widely used throughout the world in industry
and household appliances. It started the industrial revolution at the turn of the
century. Electricity today is generated transmitted and converted to mechanical
power by means of his inventions. Tesla’s greatest achievement is his polyphase
alternating current system, which is today lighting the entire globe. 

            Tesla astonished the world by demonstrating. the wonders of alternating current electricity at the World Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. Alternating current became standard power in the 20th Century.  This accomplishment changed the world. He designed the first hydroelectric powerplant in Niagara Falls in 1895, which was the final victory of alternating current.  The achievement was covered widely in the world press, and Tesla was praised as a hero world wide.  King Nikola of Montenegro conferred upon him the Order of Danilo.
Tesla was a pioneer in many fields.  The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment.  That year also marked the date of Tesla's United States citizenship.  His alternating current induction motor is considered one of the ten greatest discoveries of all time.  Among his discoveries are the fluorescent light , laser beam, wireless communications, wireless transmission of electrical energy, remote control, robotics, Tesla’s turbines and vertical take off aircraft. Tesla is the father of the radio and the modern electrical transmissions systems. He registered over 700 patents worldwide. His vision included exploration of solar energy and the power of the sea. He foresaw interplanetary communications and satellites.
            The Century Magazine published Tesla's principles of telegraphy without wires, popularizing scientific lectures given before Franklin Institute in February 1893. 
The Electrical Review in 1896 published X-rays of a man, made by Tesla, with X-ray tubes of his own design.  They appeared at the same time as when Roentgen announced his discovery of X-rays.  Tesla never attempted to proclaim priority.  Roentgen congratulated Tesla on his sophisticated X-ray pictures, and  Tesla even wrote Roentgen's name on one of his films.  He experimented with shadowgraphs similar to those that later were to be used by Wilhelm Rontgen when he discovered X-rays in 1895.  Tesla's countless experiments included work on a carbon button lamp, on the power of electrical resonance, and on various types of lightning.  Tesla invented the special vacuum tube which emitted light to be used in photography.
The breadth of his inventions is demonstrated by his patents for a bladeless steam turbine based on a spiral flow principle.  Tesla also patented a pump design to operate at extremely high temperature. 
Nikola Tesla patented the basic system of radio in 1896.  His published schematic diagrams describing all the basic elements of the radio transmitter which was later used by Marconi. 
In 1896 Tesla constructed an instrument to receive radio waves.  He experimented with this device and transmitted radio waves from his laboratory on South 5th Avenue. to the Gerlach Hotel at 27th Street in Manhattan.  The device had a magnet which gave off intense magnetic fields up to 20,000 lines per centimeter.  The radio device clearly establishes his piority in the discovery of radio. 
The shipboard quench-spark transmitter produced by the Lowenstein Radio Company and licensed under Nikola Tesla Company patents, was installed on the U.S. Naval vessels prior to World War I.
In December 1901, Marconi established wireless communication between Britain and the Newfoundland, Canada, earning him the Nobel prize in 1909.  But much of Marconi's work was not original.  In 1864, James Maxwell theorized electromagnetic waves.  In 1887, Heinrich Hertz proved Maxwell's theories.  Later, Sir Oliver Logde extended the Hertz prototype system.  The Brandley coherer increased the distance messages could be transmitted.  The coherer was perfected by Marconi.
However, the heart of radio transmission is based upon four tuned circuits for transmitting and receiving.  It is Tesla's original concept demonstrated in his famous lecture at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia in 1893.  The four circuits, used in two pairs, are still a fundamental part of all radio and television equipment.
The United States Supreme Court, in 1943 held Marconi's most important patent invalid, recognizing Tesla's more significant contribution as the inventor of radio technology.
Tesla built an experimental station in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1899, to experiment with high voltage, high frequency electricity and other phenomena.
When the Colorado Springs Tesla Coil magnifying transmitter was energized,  it created sparks 30 feet long.  From the outside antenna, these sparks could be seen from a distance of ten miles.  From this laboratory, Tesla generated and sent out wireless waves which mediated energy, without wires for miles.
 In Colorado Springs, where he stayed from May 1899 until 1900, Tesla made what he regarded as his most important discovery-- terrestrial stationary waves.  By this discovery he proved that the Earth could be used as a conductor and would be as responsive as a tuning fork to electrical vibrations of a certain frequency.  He also lighted 200 lamps without wires from a distance of 25 miles( 40 kilometers) and created man-made lightning.  At one time he was certain he had received signals from another planet in his Colorado laboratory, a claim that was met with disbelief in some scientific journals.
The old Waldorf Astoria was the residence of Nikola Tesla for many years.  He lived there when he was at the height of financial and intellectual power.  Tesla  organized elaborate dinners, inviting famous people who later witnessed spectacular electrical experiments in his laboratory.
Financially supported by J. Pierpont Morgan, Tesla built the Wardenclyffe laboratory and its famous transmitting tower in Shoreham, Long Island between 1901 and 1905. This huge landmark was 187 feet high, capped by a 68-foot copper dome which housed the magnifying transmitter.  It was planned to be the first broadcast system, transmitting both signals and power without wires to any point on the globe.  The huge magnifying transmitter, discharging high frequency electricity, would turn the earth into a gigantic dynamo which would project its electricity in unlimited amounts anywhere in the world.
Tesla's concept of wireless electricity was used to power ocean liners, destroy warships, run industry and transportation and send communications instantaneously all over the globe.  To stimulate the public's imagination, Tesla suggested that this wireless power could even be used for interplanetary communication.  If Tesla were confident to reach Mars, how much less difficult to reach Paris.  Many newspapers and periodicals interviewed Tesla and described his new system for supplying wireless power to run all of the earth's industry.
Because of a dispute between Morgan and Tesla as to the final use of the tower.  Morgan withdrew his funds.  The financier's classic comment was, "If anyone can draw on the power, where do we put the meter?"
The erected, but incomplete tower was demolished in 1917 for wartime security reasons.  The site where the Wardenclyffe tower stood still exists with its 100 feet deep foundation still intact.  Tesla's laboratory designed by Stanford White in 1901 is today still in good condition and is graced with a bicentennial plaque.  
Tesla lectured to the scientific community on his inventions in New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis and before scientific organizations in both England and France in 1892. Tesla’s lectures and writings of the 1890s aroused wide admiration among contemporaries popularized his inventions and inspired untold numbers of younger men to enter the new field of radio and electrical science.
            Nikola Tesla was one of the most celebrated personalities in the American press, in this century.  According to Life Magazine's special issue of September, 1997, Tesla is among the 100 most famous people of the last 1,000 years.  He is one of the great men who divert the stream of human history.  Tesla's celebrity was in its height at the turn of the century.  His discoveries, inventions and vision had widespread acceptance by the public, the scientific community and American press.  Tesla's discoveries had extensive coverage in the scientific journals, the daily and weekly press as well as in the foremost literary and intellectual publications of the day.  He was the Super Star. 
Tesla wrote many autobiographical articles for the prominent journal Electrical Experimenter, collected in the book, My Inventions.  Tesla was gifted with intense powers of visualization and exceptional memory from early youth on.  He was able to fully construct, develop and perfect his inventions completely in his mind before committing them to paper. 
According to Hugo Gernsback, Tesla was possessed of a striking physical appearance over six feet tall with deep set eyes and a stately manner.  His impressions of Tesla, were of a man endowed with remarkable physical and mental freshness, ready to surprise the world with more and  more inventions as he grew older.  A lifelong bachelor he led a somewhat isolated existence, devoting his full energies to science. 
In 1894, he was given honorary doctoral degrees by Columbia and Yale University and the Elliot Cresson  medal by the Franklin Institute.  In 1934, the city of Philadelphia awarded him the John Scott medal for his polyphase power system. He was an honorary member of the National Electric Light Association and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. On one occasion, he turned down an invitation from Kaiser Wilhelm II to come to Germany to demonstrate his experiments and to receive a high decoration. 

            In 1915, a New York Times article announced that Tesla and Edison were to share the Nobel Prize for physics.  Oddly, neither man received the prize, the reason being unclear.  It was rumored that Tesla refused the prize because he would not share with Edison, and because Marconi had already received his. 

On his 75th birthday in 1931, the inventor appeared on the cover of Time Magazine. On this occasion, Tesla received congratulatory letters from more than 70 pioneers in science and engineering including Albert Einstein. These letters were mounted and presented to Tesla in the form of a testimonial volume.   

     Tesla died on January 7th, 1943 in the Hotel New Yorker, where he had lived for the last ten years of his life.  Room 3327 on the 33rd floor is the two-room suites  he occupied.
            A state funeral was held at  St. John the Divine Cathedral in New York City. Telegrams of condolence were received from many notables, including the first lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Vice President Wallace. Over 2000 people attended, including several Nobel Laureates. He was cremated in Ardsley on the Hudson, New York. His ashes were interned in a golden sphere, Tesla’s favorite shape, on permanent display at the Tesla Museum in Belgrade along with his death mask.
            In his speech presenting Tesla with the Edison medal, Vice President Behrend of the Institute of Electrical Engineers eloquently expressed the following:  "Were we to seize and eliminate from our industrial world the result of Mr. Tesla's work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, our towns would be dark and our mills would be idle and dead.  His name marks an epoch in the advance of electrical science."  Mr. Behrend ended his speech with a paraphrase of Pope's lines on Newton:  "Nature and nature's laws lay hid by night.  God said 'Let Tesla be' and all was light."
                        The world will wait a long time for Nikola Tesla’s equal in
                                           achievement and imagination.” - E. ARMSTRONG

 Source: http://www.teslasociety.com/

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Terence McKenna

Terence McKenna & psychedelic drug culture

Image: http://www.mycuriousbrain.com/

In the annals of psychedelic research and culture, a few figures reign supreme: Aldous Huxley, Albert Hoffman, Ram Dass, Timothy Leary and Terence McKenna. Of those five, Huxley and McKenna are the most critical to the understanding of hallucinogens. Leary was very often irresponsible and megalomaniacal in his hallucinogenic proselytizing, whereas Ram Dass, who was no less controversial, decamped to create a synthesis of Eastern and Western religious beatitude. This left Huxley’s early experiments with and writings on hallucinogenic drugs, as well as McKenna’s wide-ranging studies in ethnobotany and shamanism, to form the intellectual foundations of psychedelic drug culture.
Indeed, McKenna was introduced to his lifelong intellectual pursuit by way of Huxley’s books “The Doors of Perception” and “Heaven & Hell,” which were vital texts for the ’60s counter-culture and beyond. However, it wasn’t hallucinogenic drugs that initially attracted McKenna, but the study of shamanism and folk religions while at the University of California-Berkeley.
As detailed in the book “True Hallucinations: Being an Account of the Author’s Extraordinary Adventures in the Devil’s Paradise,” co-written with his brother Dennis, McKenna traveled to Nepal spurred by his interest in “Tibetan art and hallucinogenic shamanism.” After some time in Tokyo and a return to Berkeley, McKenna, along with his brother (who was pursuing a PhD in plant biochemistry at the time) and three friends, soon found themselves in the Amazon basin of Colombia in search of oo-koo-hé, a plant preparation of Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), which has more recently been the subject of the curiosity of Daniel Pinchbeck, as well as Gaspar Noe in the film “Enter the Void.” It was on this trip that McKenna’s preoccupation with hallucinogens, especially  the psychedelic mushroom Psilocybe cubensis, begins.
McKenna’s early experiments with DMT, psilocybin, LSD and other hallucinogens, led to the creation of his Novelty Theory and the book “The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching,” co-written with brother Dennis. McKenna’s Novelty Theory states that nature preserves novelty, or complexity, as witnessed by a universal timeline that begins with relatively simpler atomic and sub-atomic arrangements hurdling through time and space into more and more complex forms (elements, micro-organisms, plants, human beings, etc.).
It really wasn’t until the early ’90s, however, when McKenna published two books, “Food of the Gods” and “The Archaic Revival,” that he reached his full potential with respect to psychedelic cultural, ethnobotany and the evolution of the human mind. “The Archaic Revival” is more a collage of ideas triggered by McKenna’s hallucinogenic experiences, with digressions into subjects such as virtual reality, UFOs and mysticism. Interesting and thought-provoking, it is not as focused as “Food of the Gods,” which shapes McKenna’s accumulated knowledge and experience, as the subtitle states, into “a radical history of plants, drugs, and human evolution.”
In “Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge,” McKenna writes, “[M]ost of us are unaware of the effects of plants on ourselves and our reality, partly because we have forgotten that plants have always mediated the human cultural relationship to the world at large.” In other words, plants, whether it be for food or a hallucino-shamanic experience, have filtered our reality in much the same way as language.
It is in this book that McKenna proposes what has become known as the “Stoned Ape Theory”; that is, the idea that our primate ancestors munched on magic mushrooms, which in turn triggered our ability to process information, think creatively, and construct languages and other forms of communication.
McKenna suggests that “the real missing link” is psilocybin:
My contention is that the mutation-causing, psychoactive chemical compounds in the early human diet directly influenced the rapid reorganization of the brain’s information-processing capacities. Alkaloids in plants, specifically the hallucinogenic compounds such as psilocybin, dimethyltryptamine (DMT), and harmaline, could be the chemical factors in the protohuman diet that catalyzed the emergence of human self-reflection. The action of hallucinogens present in many common plants enhanced our information-processing activity, or environmental sensitivity, and thus contributed to the sudden expansion of the human brain size. At a later stage in this same process, hallucinogens acted as catalysts in the development of imagination, fueling the creation of internal stratagems and hopes that may well have synergized the emergence of language and religion.
Shamanism is McKenna’s evidence for hallucinogens’ role in religion, while its influence on the development of the mind is conjecture,; though he does invoke scientific studies as evidence, such as Roland Fischer’s experiment in which psilocybin was administered to graduate students, and their ability to “detect the moment when previously parallel lines became skewed” measured. Fischer found that after small dose of psilocybin subjects were better able to detect that moment.
What’s really interesting about McKenna’s thoughts on mushrooms and humanity, as detailed in “Food of the Gods,” is that the ingestion of psilocybin is probably as old as pastoralism (the raising of livestock) and perhaps older. McKenna seemed to relish the fact that psilocybin grows readily in fields fertilized with cow poop, especially the varieties Psilocybe semilanceata (the most common and potent mushroom) and Psilocybe fimetaria. McKenna postulates that humans tending cattle, for instance, would have noticed the mushrooms growing in livestock fields and experimented with it first as a food source, then as a means of triggering an altered state.
One point to consider is that if pastoralism—which is the product of human evolution and can be dated to 10200 BCE by scientists—is the point at which ingestion of mushroom use became a human trait, it would seem to contradict McKenna’s theory that psilocybin helped trigger human information processing, creativity, etc., in the first place. McKenna, however, doesn’t believe that humans started tripping simultaneous to pastoralism (which he believes began around 100,000 years ago), but have instead been doing so for a least a million years.
In this brief Terence McKenna primer, one can see that he wasn’t particularly interested in the popular effects of hallucinogens as typified by the 1960s counterculture (psychedelic art, funny dances, glossolalia, etc.), but in their scientific implications, vis-à-vis the evolution of human brain mass, consciousness, creativity, etc.
As Duncan Trussell’s Comedy Central Pilot “Thunderbrain” so hilariously and brilliantly demonstrates, however, if we accept McKenna’s theory that mushrooms and other hallucinogens ultimately gave rise to the greatest achievements of human intelligence, we also have to reckon with the reality that they also helped give us government, reality TV, the free market and capitalist delusions, skanks, dicks, greed, self-destruction, bad novels, hack filmmakers, Ayn Rand, Brett Ratner, the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam), conquest, environmental destruction, the Catholic Church, the “be fruitful and multiply” insanity, torture, depression, simulated reality, advertising, agribusiness (Monsanto), ADD, and the fact that any idiot with a computer can become an instant internet celebrity without adding any value at all to humanity and the ecosystem in which we are embedded.
McKenna, naturally, argues that the foregoing is largely the byproduct of humanity forgetting the knowledge and the beauty of psilocybin—a point-of-view that I share. Indeed, McKenna said it best:
[W]hen, after long centuries of slow forgetting, migration, and climatic change, the knowledge of the mystery was finally lost, we in our anguish traded partnership for dominance, traded harmony with nature for rape of nature, traded poetry for the sophistry of science. In short, we traded our birthright as partners in the drama of the living mind of the planet for the broken shards of history, warfare, neurosis, and—if we do not quickly awaken to our predicament—planetary catastrophe.

Source: http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/

The Indigo Child

The indigo child is here to bring us closer to our true essence. We think our minds are separate because of our bodies. These children know differently. A true indigo travels comfortably between worlds usually at night when we think they're asleep.
Our thoughts and feelings are not our own. The truth is, we have forgotten who we are and how our minds are connected to each other. indigo children remember and have an inner knowing that far exceeds our psychic abilities.
Having said this. Not all children born since about 1980 are indigos. Many brought major challenges from previous lifetimes they're still working through. But, once the lessons are learned and the patterns forgiven, they will join the ranks of the cosmic caring indigo.
"The intricate inner workings of our DNA are changing...Brain-wave relationships are spontaneously moving into higher vibrational patterning as the electromagnetic fields within our DNA. Because of this, our brains are working together as cohesive units of consciousness. That means humanity is becoming more aware and moving toward becoming sentient beings – aware of everything all at once all of the time.” Conversations with the Children of Now, Meg Blackburn Losey

So what happened to cause us to lose touch with our inner knowing?

Put simply, we began to "think" instead of "feel," thousands of years ago. Our ability to tap into the collective consciousness is still within us. We’ve just forgotten how to use it. The ego became our ruler holding us back by relying on memories to make our decisions. With past as our guide, we gave our power to the ego, which made us fearful. The intellect caused us to lose our connection to the collective consciousness, making us feel alone.
Some adults have been able to gain at least a part of this former knowing. They in turn are giving birth to children who remember how the collective consciousness works and they are using it. The indigo offspring is there descendant.
"The conclusion of our book was that today’s children are different – more challenging, more intelligent, more confrontational, more intuitive, more spiritual, and in some cases even more violent – from any generation we have yet seen. This calls for a new and different way of parenting and schooling – outside of the old ways." The Care and Feeding of Your Indigo Children, Doreen Virtue

Where did the term “Indigo Child” come from?

Nancy Ann Tappe, a teacher and counselor, studied the human auric field, otherwise known as their electromagnetic field. The field surrounds every living thing. She even wrote a book about it called "Understanding Your Life Through Color."
Through colors in the aura, she instituted a shockingly accurate and revealing way to psychologically profile a person using her new auric color method. The signs of an indigo child actually began even as early as in the 1950s with a few people. What she noticed was that 80 percent of the children born after 1980 had a new deep blue colored auric field. She called this new color "indigo".

What are the behavioral patterns of Indigos?
  1. They are born feeling and knowing they are special and should be revered.
  2. An indigo knows they belong here as they are and expect you to realize it as well.
  3. These children are more confident and have a higher sense of self-worth.
  4. Absolute authority, the kind with no choices, negotiation, or input from them does not sit well. The educational system is a good example.
  5. Some of the rules we so carefully followed as children seem silly to them and they fight them.
  6. Rigid ritualistic systems are considered archaic to an indigo child. They feel everything should be given creative thought.
  7. They are insightful and often have a better idea of method then what has been in place for years. This makes them seem like "system busters."
  8. Adults often view an indigo as anti-social unless they are with other indigos. Often they feel lost and misunderstood, which causes them to go within.
  9. The old control methods like, "Wait till your father gets home," have no affect on these children.
  10. The fulfillment of their personal needs is important to them, and they will let you know.
Are you or your children an indigo?

These are the characteristics of an indigo as stated in The Care and Feeding of Your Indigo Child:
  • Strong willed
  • Born in 1978 or later
  • Headstrong
  • Creative, with an artistic flair for music, jewelry making, poetry, etc.
  • Prone to addictions
  • An "old soul" as if they’re 13 going on 43
  • Intuitive or psychic, possibly with a history of seeing angels or deceased people
  • An isolationist, either through aggressive acting-out, or through fragile introversion
  • Independent and proud, even if they’re constantly asking you for money
  • Possess a deep desire to help the world in a big way
  • Wavers between low self-esteem and grandiosity
  • Bores easily
  • Has probably been diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD
  • Prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares, or difficulty/fear of falling asleep
  • Has a history of depression, or even suicidal thoughts or attempts
  • Looks for real, deep, and lasting friendships
  • Easily bonds with plants or animals.
If you possess 14 or more of these traits you are an indigo. If 11 to 13, you’re probably an indigo in training. If you’re an adult with these traits you could be a "light-worker".

So what would an ideal Indigo's world look like?

Indigos have a job to do on this planet, and they WILL do it. It’s their job to help eliminate the values of the world age that just passed in 2012, and replace them with the values of the new world age. They take their job very seriously, even if they are not aware of it. They are preparing the world for the new values of "love, brotherhood, unity and integrity." Indigo prophecies talk about how these special children are the forerunners to dramatically changing the word for the next Great Cycle change in the area of 2012. Forgiveness towards others is a key element to help heal the earth. An indigo’s world would be:
  1. Free from all harsh chemicals.
  2. Food would be organically grown, locally grown, fresh with minimal processing and refining.
  3. Education would be for all and children would have a much greater say in their educational future and curriculum.
  4. Family would mean whom you are with at that time, and be inclusive to a greater circle of people.
  5. Our political system would be truly for the greater good of all, much more democratic, even socialist.
  6. All countries and all people would work together to better the lives on the entire planet.
  7. Nature and her needs would come first including clean air and soil.
  8. Children would be treated with respect and consulted on any decisions that would affect them.
  9. All people would be equal no matter what their race, color, sex, or creed.

Source: http://www.2012-spiritual-growth-prophecies.com/

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hallucinogenic Shamanism.

Hallucinogenic drugs and plants in psychotherapy and shamanism.

Western psychotherapy and indigenous shamanic healing systems have both used psychoactive drugs or plants for healing and obtaining knowledge (called "diagnosis" or "divination" respectively). While there are superficial similarities between psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and shamanic healing with hallucinogenic plants, there are profound differences in the underlying worldview and conceptions of reality. Four paradigms are reviewed:
(1) psychedelic psychotherapy within the standard Western paradigm--here the drug is used to amplify and intensify the processes of internal self-analysis and self-understanding;
(2) shamanic rituals of healing and divination, which involve primarily the shaman or healer taking the medicine in order to be able to "see" the causes of illness and know what kind of remedy to apply;
(3) syncretic folk religious ceremonies, in which the focus seems to be a kind of community bonding and celebratory worship; and
(4) the "hybrid shamanic therapeutic rituals," which incorporate some features of the first two traditions. There are two points in which the worldview of the shamanic and hybrid shamanic ceremonies differs radically from the accepted Western worldview:
(1) the belief and assumption (really, perception) that there are multiple realities ("worlds") that can be explored in expanded states of consciousness; and
(2) the belief that "spirits," the beings one encounters in dreams and visions, are just as real as the physical organism.

Source: California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, USA. rmetzner@svn.net
Image: http://fractalenlightenment.com

Trancing in Religion

Trancing is activity that results in an altered state of consciousness in which an individual is in a hypnotic-like mental state or at least profoundly absorbed.  This is a common technique used by shamans all over the world to enter the spirit world.  When they go into a trance, they commonly report that they are taking a journey in which they must pass through difficult situations in order to reach their own spirit helpers.  Those friendly spirits then aid the shaman in curing an illness, bewitching someone, or in some other supernatural way.
Around the world, shamans and mystics use a variety of methods to achieve a trance state.  These include:
photo of a group of Turkish Dervishes with long flowing white skirts and jackets dancing in a circle
1.   fasting
2. self-torture (flagellation)
3. sensory deprivation (prolonged isolation from normal human contact)
4. breathing exercises and meditation
5. prolonged, repetitive, ritual dancing and/or drumming (this can alter brain wave patterns)
6. hallucinogenic drugs
Photo of a Crow Indian performing the Ghost Dance in 1908
Early 20th century Crow Indian
on the Great Plains of North
America using self-torture in
order to receive a vision from
the supernatural world.  Skewers
of bone are inserted through the
chest skin and tied with leather
thongs to a "sun pole."   He
will dance around it until the
skewers tear free.
Turkish Dervishes using
prolonged, repetitive, ritual
dancing to enter an altered
state of awareness.
Accompanied by music,
they slowly dance around
in a large circle while
constantly spinning.  The
Dervishes are a mystic
Sufi sect of Islam.

The shamanistic use of hallucinogenic drugs has been widespread, especially in the Americas.  Their use has been particularly common in small-scale, egalitarian societies.  When such drugs are available, they are usually considered to be the easiest and the fastest method of contacting the supernatural.  Hallucinogenic drugs derived from plants are the most common sources.  Some of these drugs can quickly bring on visions of an overwhelming nature in addition to causing strong physical reactions.  The use of hallucinogens traditionally was not limited to shamans in Siberia, the Amazon Basin of South America, and Europe until the late Middle Ages.  In these regions, an experienced shaman usually functioned as a facilitator and guide for a group of people taking these drugs in an attempt to contact or enter the supernatural world.
Source : http://anthro.palomar.edu
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